@memoriapress Latin to start our school day. Latina Christiana 1 with my nine-year-old on lesson VIII and Prima Latina with my seven-year-old on lesson I. A random preschool printable for the baby/toddler who demands to be involved today. We are listening to the track of chanting Adeste Fideles and more setting the tone for our course. (PreK4 bro in the library bingeing on PBS Kids via Kindle Fire.) #memoriapress #memoriapressfourthgrade #memoriapresssecondgrade #simplyclassical #classicaleducation #classicalchristianeducation #adestefideles from Instagram: https://ift.tt/2LfLYWz
The post Latina Christiana & Prima Latina (and coloring) appeared first on Creative Madness Mama.